Travel Diary 1989 to 2004:



13-14/3/89:  Singapore.

16-23/3/89:  Oxford area.

24-29/3/89:  Bexhill.

30/3-31/3/89:  Paris.

1/4-18/4/89:  Bourges (borrowed Willems’ van to tour Brittany, then Dordogne & South of France).

19/4/89:  Paris.

20/4-8/5/89:  London, Oxford, Bexhill, Camber Sands Conference, Oxford, Weobley, London.

9/5/89:  fly to Boston, then 10/5/89 PEI, then 14/5/89 Orlando (VIM Conference).

19/5/89:  fly to LA.

20-23/5/89:  Hawaii.

24-27/5/89:  NZ.

28/5/89:  home.




8/1/90:  Alex L-side kidney stone operation.

5/7/90:  Alex fly to Sydney, then bus to Hunter Valley (IT Directors meeting).

9-13/7/90:  Alex in Sydney (WCCE Conference).
14-21/7/90:  trip to Rottnest.

22/7/90:  bad weather so flew back with Bevan Marshall.

10/10/90:  flew to Rottnest with Bevan.

14/10/90:  returned by ferry.




14/1/91:  Alex started as Head, Office of IT at UWA.

21/1/91:  Alex R-side kidney stone operation.

29-30/3/91:  fly via Singapore to San Francisco.

31/3/91:  Yosemite National Park.

2/4/91:  fly to St Louis (CSMS Conference 3-5/4/91).

6/4/91:  fly to London.

9-11/4/91:  Ashburnham Conference.

12-13/4/91:  Bexhill.

14-15/4/91:  drove to Fishguard.

16/4/91:  ferry to Rosslare.

17/4-23/4/91:  tour of Ireland.

24/4/91:  ferry to Fishguard.

25-26/4/91:  Cambridge.

28/4-1/5/91:  Oxford.

2/5-5/5/91:  Bexhill.

6-7/5/91:  Isle of Wight.

8- 14/5/91:  Polperro, Keswick, York.

15-21/5/91:  Bexhill.

22-23/5/91:  Oxford.

25-29/5/91:  Rome (28/5 trip to Naples & Pompeii).

30-31/5/91:  fly to Hong Kong.

31/5-3/6/91:  Hong Kong.

4//6/91:  fly to Singapore then home.




April 92:  Porongurups w Parrys & Wadleys.

26-28/7/92:  Singapore.

29/7-2/8/92:  Oxford.

3/8-9/8/92:  boat on Thames from Benson (with Grace from 8/8).

10-14/8/92:  Bethania Cottage, Upper Chapel, near Brecon.

15-16/8/92:  Bexhill.

17/8/92:  Oxford.

18-22/8/92:  drove North via Derbyshire, York, North Yorkshire, Loch Lomond, to Skye.

23-25/8/92:  Skye.

26-28/8/92:  Lumphanen.

29/8/92:  Edinburgh (Tattoo).

30/8/92:  Oxford.

31/8-3/9/92:  Bexhill (attend OECD IMHE Workshop in Eastbourne).

4/9/92:  drove via London (visit Q Mary & Westfield College, Virtual Reality demo) to Oxford.

5/9/92:  Oxford & London.

6-7/9/92:  fly via Singapore to Perth.

27/9/92:  ALIA Conference, Albury.

28/9/92:  Melbourne.

29/9-2/10/92:  CAUDIT Conference, Akaroa, NZ.




18-22/4/93:  Porongurups & Stirlings w Parrys (22/4 climbed Bluff Knoll).

17-29/5/93:  Hong Kong (consultancy @ HK Baptist College)

30/5/93:  fly to London (via Copenhagen).

31/5-2/6/93:  Bexhill.

3-9/6/93:  Oxford (interview for OUCS Director on 4/6).

10/6/93:  fly to Copenhagen.

12-13/6/93:  fly via Hong Kong & Singapore to Perth.

24/9/93:  fly to London (1/10/93 start at OUCS).

20/12/93:  moved into 2A The Blowings, Freeland




20-21/1/94:  fly to Perth.

29/1/94:  Tim & Chris wedding.

30/1/94:  Alex flew back to London.

12/2/94:  Helen flew back to London.

11/5-27/6/94:  Roz Wilson stayed with us.

17/6-20/6/94:  toured with Roz & ChrisW up North.

27/7-12/9/94:  Trevor & Liz Parry stayed with us.

12-13/8/94:  Shropshire.

26/8-1/9/94:  Cornwall (Portscatho).

9-12/9/94:  CATH Conference, Glasgow.

26/11/94:  Bexhill.

23/12-28/12/94:  Tim & Chris stayed with us.



1995: (my diary is sparse for 1995)

24/3/95:  fly to Perth.

8/4/95:  Graeme & Melinda wedding.

16-17/4/95:  fly via Bangkok to London.

25/5/95:  Chelsea Flower Show.

24/6-30/6/95:  Ffestiniog cottage holiday.

30/8-8/10/95:  Roz Wilson stayed with us.

25-27/10/95:  Alex to New York to visit IBM, Yorktown.

14/12/95:  fly to Perth via Abu Dhabi & Singapore (Brittania Airways)

29/12/95:  fly to London via Singapore & Abu Dhabi.



1996: (my diary is sparse for 1996)

27-29/3/96:  UCISA Conference @ Torquay.

27/5-6/7/96:  Tim & Chris stayed with us for much of this time.

10/6/96:  Alex to Glasgow.

13/7/96:  Hampton Court Flower Show.

24-25/8/96:  Helen fly to Perth via Bangkok.

1/9/96:  Alex balloon flight.

14/9/96:  Alex microlight flight.

14-15/9/96:  Helen fly to Perth.



1997: (my diary is sparse for 1997)

20-25/1/97:  Alex to Damascus.

5-7/3/97:  UCISA Conference @ Jersey.

22/3/97:  Ian & Nikki wedding.

29/3/97:  fly to Perth.

5/4/97:  Reception for Ian & Nikki.

18/4/97:  fly to London.

20/5/97:  Chelsea Flower Show.

29/5-4/7/97:  Bevan & Trish Marshall stayed on & off.

31/8/97:  Helen to Prague.

7-10/9/97:  Alex to Grenoble (by train): EUNIS Conference.

13/9/97:  Alex to Beirut, then 16/9 Damascus.

20/9/97:  Alex return to London.

26/9/97:  Alex to Prague.

27/9-1/10/97:  sightseeing, including drive to Cesky Krumlov, etc.

2/10/97:  both return to London.

21-28/11/97:  Alex to Palestine (via Tel Aviv), Nablus, Gaza, Ramallah, including Dead Sea, Jericho, Bethlehem, Jerusalem.



1998: (my diary is sparse for 1998)

12-14/2/98:  Helen to Prague.

11-13/3/98:  UCISA Conference @ Jersey.

19/3-9/4/98:  fly to Perth (Mandurah, Dwellingup, Busselton, Yallingup).

16/6/98:  Alex to Manchester (unveiling of Baby reconstruction).

19/6-22/6/98:  Alex to Cairo (Pyramids, Sphinx, Museum) for UNESCO USEE-SM meeting.

11/8/98:  lunch @ Manoir a QuatSaisons.

30/8/98:  Helen to Birmingham for Lydia Conference.

10/9/98:  Alex to Edinburgh via Birmingham.

10/9/98:  brought Helen home.

13/9/98:  drove Helen back to Lydia.

19-22/9/98:  Alex to Prague for EUNIS Conference.

25/9-14/10/98:  Graeme stayed with us on & off.

14-28/10/98:  Fred & Kathleen Pitman stayed with us.

17-28/10/98:  Viv Van De Graaf & Helen Trutwein stayed with us.

5/11/98:  Misty died.

29/12/98-2/1/99:  Grace Mountford stayed with us.




7/1-9/1/99:  fly to Venice.

2-4/3/99:  UCISA Conference @ Harrogate.

5-6/3/99:  drove to Ripon, Ilkley, then home.

19/3/99:  Alex consulting @ Brunel University.

26-27/3/99:  Holland House for Enneagram.

23/4/99:  fly to Perth.

27/4/99:  Gwen Goddard died.

30/4/99:  Amy Reid born.

2/5/99:  Alex fly to London.

16/5/99:  Helen fly to London.

31/5-13/6/99:  Chris & Juanna stay with us.

5-8/6/99:  fly to Helsinki for EUNIS Conference.

9-10/6/99:  Helsinki & Tallinn.

11/6/99:  fly to Stockholm.

12/6/99:  fly to London.

19-21/6/99:  Alex to Cairo (UNESCO-USEE-SM Meeting); visit Saqqara, Memphis, Cheops Pyramid.

8-9/7/99:  fly via Singapore to Perth.

3/8/99:  fly to London.

9/8/99:  Helen to Prague.

20/8/99:  Alex fly to Prague.

21-22/8/99:  drove around, to Karlovy Vary.

23/8/99:  Alex fly to London.

25-26/8/99:  Alex fly to Glasgow.

3/9/99:  Helen fly to London.

9/9/99:  Alex fly Birmingham to Edinburgh.

18/9/99:  drove to Chichester for play with Grace.

26/10-1/11/99:  Alex fly to LA then San Francisco (Educause Conference in LA).

1-2/11/99:  visit Stanford & UCLA.

2/11/99:  fly to London.

24/11/99: drinks w Dame Diana Rigg @ St Catherine’s College.

27-29/11/98:  fly to Amsterdam, stay with Harley & Marj Beck.

8/12/99:  Alex to Manchester (Network Strategy Conference).




1/2-5/2/00:  fly to Barcelona (Sun Conference) and some sightseeing.

25/2-28/2/00:  fly to Rome, Umbria, Assisi.

3/3-5/3/00:  Bexhill with ChrisW.

11/3/00: visit Bath with ChrisW.

14-16/3/00:  fly to Glasgow for UCISA Conference.

25/3/00:  Oxford-Cambridge Boat Race on VC’s launch.

1-2/4/00:  fly to Perth via Singapore.

21-22/4/00:  fly to London via Singapore.

25-27/5/00:  drove to Brighton then Bexhill.

3-6/6/00: fly to Berlin for EUNIS Conference planning & sightseeing.

16-17/6/00:  IT Directors Forum on board SS Aurora.

26/6/00:  guests of IBM at Wimbledon opening day.

14-15/7/00:  Helen to Lydia planning in Edinburgh.

10/8/00:  Helen to Dublin for Lydia.

18/8/00:  Alex to Dublin.

21/8/00:  both return to London.

7/9/00:  Alex to Edinburgh.

11-13/9/00:  Alex to Manchester for ALT-C Conference.

22/9/00:  Erica Reid born.

2/10/00:  lunch at Manoir a QuatSaisons.

14-15/10/00:  Waverley Abbey House & Bexhill.

24-25/10/00:  fly via Singapore to Perth.




11/4/01:  Apple Forum in Canberra.

11/5/01:  moved into 71A Raymond Street, Yokine.

20/5/01:  Isaac Reid born.

20-24/5/01:  Alex to Gold Coast.

3/7/01:  fly to London via Singapore.

5-6/7/01:  Pontypridd for MLE/VLE Conference.

8-10/7/01:  Bexhill.

11-13/7/01:  London, Derbyshire, Sheffield.

14/7/01:  Oxford, Bristol, Bath.

31/7/01:  Helen to Prague (for Lydia), Alex to Copenhagen (for WCCC2001).

4-8/8/01:  Alex to Snowmass, Colorado for SAC.

8-10/8/01:  Alex fly via Denver, LA, Sydney (a few visits), Perth.

24/8/01:  Helen fly Prague-London.

26-27/8/01:  Helen fly via Singapore to Perth.

7-8/9/01:  Margaret River.

3-5/10/01:  CAUDIT @ Dunsborough.

9-11/12/01:  Alex fly via Adelaide to Melbourne for Ascilite Conference..




20-21/1/02:  Alex to Sydney for AAC (AARNet Advisory Committee).

19-20/2/02:  Alex to Sydney for OLIE & IMS Conferences.

9/3/02:  fly to London via Singapore.

10-12/3/02:  Oxford.

13-15/3/02:  London for UCISA Conference.

15-19/3/02:  Bexhill, then Bourton, Carlisle.

20-22/3/02:  IT&ILit Conference @ Glasgow.

22/3/02:  Edinburgh.

23-25/3/02:  Oxford area.

26-28/3/02:  Networked Learning Conference @ Sheffield.

29/3-3/4/02:  Oxford area.

4-5/4/02:  fly back to Perth via Singapore.

7-8/4/02:  Alex to Canberra (via Melbourne) for AAC Meeting.

13-14/5/02:  CAUDIT @ Sydney.

2/7/02:  AAC @ Gold Coast.

3-5/7/02:  Questnet @ Gold Coast.

7-8/8/02:  Alex to Canberra (via Adelaide) for DoCITA BAC meeting.

17/8/02:  Nannup for tulip festival.

26-29/8/02:  Margaret River.

4-6/9/02:  Lake Macquarie for AAC then CAUDIT.

15/9/02:  Alex to Sydney for DEST Information Infrastructure Advisory Committee.

9/10/02:  Alex to Canberra via Adelaide for HEBAC meeting.

2-3/11/02:  Alex fly to London via Singapore & Frankfurt.

6/11/02:  attend Access Management Conference & various meetings.

9-10/11/02:  Alex fly via Singapore to Perth.

14-16/11/02:  Alex fly via Melbourne to Canberra for HEBAC meeting.

7-11/12/02:  Alex fly to Auckland for Ascilite Conference.




18/1/03:  fly to Singapore.

21/1/03:  fly to Hong Kong.

26-27/1/03:  fly to Perth via Singapore.

28-29/1/03:  Alex fly to Brisbane via Melbourne for AAC meeting.

2/2-3/2/03:  Alex fly to Canberra via Adelaide for AARNet Board meeting.

28/3/03:  Alex to Adelaide for AAC meeting.

1-2/4/03:  fly to London via Singapore.

6/4/03:  Alex fly to Amsterdam for eLearning tour (Groneningen, Leeuwarden, Wageningen, Utrecht).

11/4/03:  fly to London.

13-14/4/03:  drive to Manchester (CETIS Pedagogy Forum).

22/4/03:  fly to Zurich.

23/4/03:  train via Bern to Geneva (for Pan-European Portal Conference).

26/4/03:  train to Zurich then fly to London.

3-5/5/03:  Ian & Nikki fly to Dublin.

10/5/03:  Malvern Flower Show.

19/5/03:  to Bristol for Workshop @ Uni.

21-24/5/03:  Bexhill.

6-9/6/03:  cottage @ Chard, Somerset.

10/6/03:  Lake District.

11-13/6/03:  drive to Glasgow for eLit2003 Conference.

16/6/03:  JISC/UCISA Portal Forum @ Oxford.

17/6/03:  HE IT IN National Context Forum @ Oxford.

26/6/03:  Meeting @ Bristol Uni.

2-5/7/03:  Alex to Amsterdam (for EUNIS).

7-8/7/03:  fly to Perth (via Singapore).

7-8/8/03:  Alex fly to Melbourne (AARNet Board Meeting).

11-12/9/03:  Alex fly to Brisbane (for CAUDIT meeting).

16-17/9/03:  Alex fly to Adelaide (for AAC & AARNet Board meetings).

14-16/10/03:  fly to Hobart via Melbourne (for Apple Planning then CAUDIT).

18-24/10/03:  car tour of Tasmania (Hobart, Strahan, Cradle Mountain, Launceston, Bicheno, White Beach, Port Arthur).

25/10/03:  fly to Perth (via Melbourne).

7/11/03:  Alex fly to Sydney for AARNet CEO Selection Committee.

12/11/03:  Alex fly to Sydney (AARNet CEO interviews).

16-17/11/03:  Alex fly to Melbourne (AARNet Board meeting).

20-21/11/03:  Alex fly to Sydney (AARNet CEO interviews).

7-8/12/03:  fly to London (via Tokyo).

8/12/03:  Stayed at Nook.

10-11/12/03:  Network Strategy Conference in Cardiff.




7-8/1/04:  Visited Bexhill.

20/1/04:  eLearning Conference in Birmingham.

29-30/1/04: fly home via Singapore (snow delayed London flight so missed connection, put up overnight by BA in Singapore Copthorne King’s hotel).

3-4/2/04:  Alex fly to Sydney (for AAC meeting).

8/2/04:  Alex fly to Canberra (AARNet Board meeting).

3/5/04:  Alex fly to Sydney (AARNet Board meeting & CeBIT).

9-12/5/04:  fly to Sydney (CAUDIT & AAC).

24/5/04:  Alex fly to Sydney (WebCT Users meeting).

30-31/5/04:  Alex fly to Hobart (via Melbourne) for UTas Forum on eLearning).

31/5-1/6/04:  Alex fly to Canberra (Scholarly Information Forum).

30/6-2/7/04:  fly to Uluru.

2-7/7/04:  fly to Cairns (APAN & Questnet Conference).

8/7/04:  Great Barrier Reef.

9/7/04:  Cairns Hinterland (Kuranda).

10-12/7/04:  drove to Daintree, Cape Tribulation

12/7/04:  fly back to Perth.

25-26/7/04:  Alex fly to Canberra via Adelaide (AARNet planning days).

29-30/7/04:  Alex fly to Brisbane (AARNet Board meeting).